The Integration Imperative: How LiquidityBook APIs Unlock Unprecedented Flexibility

Our newly enhanced RESTful APIs offer a fully customizable protocol for building and connecting with our modular platform at the precise level of granularity required.

Thanks to the cloud, low-code solutions and broad access to data, it has become easier than ever for market participants to build their own tools, from customized order entry tools to quantitative trading solutions. At the same time, firms have a greater need than ever to centralize core trade lifecycle logic like compliance, allocations, locates and risk that are too complex and risky to replicate and manage across multiple silos. This has driven an increasing need for solutions across the trade lifecycle that are feature-rich, flexible, and cost-effective – a trend that is highlighted by our recent growth.

It sounds like a paradox – isn’t there inherent tension between building proprietary tools and leaning on established technology partners? With LiquidityBook’s expanded API capabilities, the answer is no.

While API integration has long been available to our clients, increased demand for API-centric workflows spurred us to make significant upgrades to the user experience. Newly enhanced, our RESTful APIs offer a fully customizable protocol for building and connecting with our modular platform at the precise level of granularity required.

Through this approach, market participants can achieve unprecedented efficiency through the seamless integration of a wide range of functions across the front and middle offices, from fine-tuned trading capabilities to managerial tasks. Here are just a few examples:

  • Synchronizing security master and account data
  • Checking locates
  • Sending customized alerts
  • Performing remote validations
  • Issuing risk and compliance checks
  • Extracting customized reports

This unlocks unprecedented flexibility for our clients. For example, firms can send a basket of orders to LiquidityBook and have us handle compliance checks, allocations, locates and routing in one shot – or they can incorporate capabilities such as LiquidityBook’s positions, locates and compliance modules as native components of their own trade construction and execution workflow.

In addition to enabling robust functionality, our APIs deliver a high degree of technical performance and developer friendliness. The industry-leading scalability unlocked by AWS, combined with extensive documentation on Postman, means there is virtually no limit to how our clients can leverage our modular platform.

As we at LiquidityBook continue to onboard new buy- and sell-side clients at a rapid pace, we are excited to offer technology that can not only stand alone, but also work with proprietary and third-party systems to extend their current capabilities in a highly targeted way. Given all this, it’s no surprise that a significant number of our new clients are requesting API onboards.



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