LiquidityBook Rings NYSE Closing Bell

NEW YORK – LiquidityBook, a leading ASP-based provider of buy- and sell-side and OMS and FIX trading solutions, today rang the New York Stock Exchange closing bell, ending the session in which the DJIA closed up 62 points for the day.

“We are honored to have been given the opportunity to close today’s trading session. When you think about who has stood on that pedestal before us and where our firm has come in only six short years, it is a truly humbling experience,” said co-founders Kevin Samuel and Rick Goldenberg. “We are extremely thankful to not only NYSE Euronext for giving us this opportunity, but also our teammates, partners and clients, without whom none of this would be possible.”

About LiquidityBook

LiquidityBook is a leading ASP-based provider of buy- and sell-side trading solutions, including order management, portfolio management, trading, FIX network connectivity, compliance and pre- and post-trade processing. Founded in 2005, the LiquidityBook platform is trusted by many of the industry’s most sophisticated buy- and sell-side firms globally. For more information visit



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