Solutions / lbx sell-side
A Cloud-Based Trading, Operations and Compliance Hub for Broker-Dealers
The modern broker-dealer is fast and flexible — and needs trading technology to match.
In a world of shrinking margins, increasing regulation and continued fragmentation of execution venues, the LBX Sell-Side framework offers cloud-based order, execution and risk management, middle office functions, compliance reporting tools and more, enabling you to mix and match components to curate a solution that meets your exact needs.
Unparalleled FIX network connectivity to buy-side clients and execution venues, expert support and instantaneous updates based on client requests provide everything needed to thrive in today’s markets.
LBX Post-Trade Hub
Streamline and automate a wide range of manual post-trade allocation functions to move one step closer to straight-through processing.
- Pre-allocation, auto-allocation and manual bulk allocation capabilities, including via FIX
- Automatic and manual block merging/splitting and block entry via CSV upload
- Auto-booking, partial booking, group booking and timed sweep booking support
- Support for multiple entities & clearing brokers with account synchronization
- Multiple customizable blotters and a workflow-agnostic data model
- Certified with DTCC CTM
LBX Risk Gateway
A compliance engine fit-to-purpose for the Sell Side.
- SEC 15c3-5 risk management framework supports a range of clients, including retail, active trading and institutional clients
- Aggregates order flow from multiple third-party OMS/EMS firmwide and across multiple clients, with support for custom rules by client
- Direct connection to LBX Connect, our managed FIX Network, for FIX normalization, streamlined integration and connectivity with existing partners, technology and workflows
- Supports Start-of-Day position load and “easy to borrow” lists and End-of-Day trade and position extracts
- References custodian and intraday data to perform pre-trade checks
- Support for multiple asset classes
Order Management
Flexible order management framework that can be custom tailored to a broker’s needs.
- Pre-trade compliance and risk checks, including the ability to set specific guardrails for individual traders
- Powerful FIX normalization to support inbound order flow from multiple sources, including IM/SMS, third-party systems, drop-copy and more, as well as extensive, global connectivity out to execution venues
- Aggregates order flow from multiple third-party OMS/EMS and across multiple clients, with support for custom rules by client
- Order and trade views configurable at both user and group level
- Configurable routing rules engine to support data driven order routing based on client, symbol, order type, side, strategy and more
- Configurable rules for execution allocation and fill notifications back to clients
- Native support for CAT reporting as well as data extracts for other reporting needs (TCA, 606, etc.)
Execution Management
Streamlined connectivity, cloud-based administration and world-class support.
- Order attribute & market data based Smart Order Router (SOR)
- L1 and L2 market data views
- Access to hundreds of brokers, buy-sides, crossing networks, dark pools and other ATSs totaling over 1,600 destinations in 80 countries
Position Management
Full position management functionality based on various dimensions, including the following.
- Trading Entity
- Trading Books
- Clients
- Instruments
- Traders