Solutions / lbx sell-side

A Cloud-Based Trading, Operations and Compliance Hub for Broker-Dealers

The modern broker-dealer is fast and flexible — and needs trading technology to match.
In a world of shrinking margins, increasing regulation and continued fragmentation of execution venues, the LBX Sell-Side framework offers cloud-based order, execution and risk management, middle office functions, compliance reporting tools and more, enabling you to mix and match components to curate a solution that meets your exact needs. Unparalleled FIX network connectivity to buy-side clients and execution venues, expert support and instantaneous updates based on client requests provide everything needed to thrive in today’s markets.

LBX Post-Trade Hub

Streamline and automate a wide range of manual post-trade allocation functions to move one step closer to straight-through processing.

LBX Risk Gateway

A compliance engine fit-to-purpose for the Sell Side.

Order Management

Flexible order management framework that can be custom tailored to a broker’s needs.

Execution Management

Streamlined connectivity, cloud-based administration and world-class support.

Position Management

Full position management functionality based on various dimensions, including the following.

Contact Us Today to Learn how LBX Sell-Side Can Help You.